Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today in class we finished our presentations. The two groups that went today were both on China's side. I learned that many of the types of shoes we wear are made in China, there for if we did not have trade with them then we would not have shoes like Vans and Uggs. Also, there are some types of cars that we drive here in the states we would also not have if it weren't for our trading with China. After those two groups presented, we started out test review. Ben did our test review mostly for us and made us understand what was going to be on the test. There is going to be short answers versus long written out essays. I also realized that i need to start looking over my notes about thing like and TFR and also Socrates. Lastly, i will also need to start studying my world leaders and the countries they are associated with.

Monday, December 10, 2012

today in class.

Today in class we met the shadows from Japan. It is interesting to see what they do compared to what we do. Then we were still working on our projects in our small groups of class mates. I was doing more research on the reason as to why we should be buying United States cars, particularly the Ford sport trac and i learned that it got discontinued in 2011. Even though it was discontinued it was still 90% made in America. The reason as to why it might have done so well is because it is a truck. Many jobs in the United States require a large amount of tools to be carried, therefore a truck has the capacity needed to have all the tools carried from job to job safely. Also, the crash testing on mostly all Ford cars was the best out of all cars. In China, the safety testing is much weaker and it pays off. When they get in accidents, the car tends to buckle in the front, making the car and the person inside probably injured and the car totaled.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Today in class we started to work on a project in small groups. For the project we have to debate from either the Chinese side or American side of who we should be buying our products from. My group has to debate that it is better to be buying all of our goods or at least most of them from American builders and manufacturers. If we did this, it would probably boost the economy of the United States and we would not be going through the economic depression we are currently going through. In the project i am in charged of finding a product the US and china both make, and seeing the pros and cons of both. Then i have to figure out how much of a car can be produced in china and how much can be made in the states alone. I found that the Ford sport trac can be made 90% in the united states without the help of any other country and without importing any other materials to help.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Peoples republic of capitalism

Today in class we watched the peoples republic of capitalism part 3 again. Here are some of the notes i took while watching the movie:
1. Cameras follow traffic around the town of Chongqing.
2. They says foreigners grew up with cars where many of them are 30 and 40 and just learning how to drive for the very first time.
3. When Chinese get enough money to buy a car it is very special for them because they have something to rely on instead of walking or bus riding.
4. People will cross the road anywhere they want and do not even wait for the traffic.
5. Wanxing workers get paid less money with the new Chinese owner then they did with the old states owner.
6. Buick car ownership has a history in China.
7. GM markets sell gas guzzlers with are turning people away because they can not afford to pay for a lot of gas.
8.  25,000 new cars are put on the road per day in China, almost as much as the United States.
9. Foreigners can not sell cars in China unless at least 50% of their business is affiliated with the Chinese. 10.
10. Chinese show capitalism at its finest.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


an economic system and political system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by the private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth. 

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. A revolutionary socialist movement to create class list and state list social order.

Free enterprise-
an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation. Freedom of private business to organize and operate for prophet in a competitive system without interference of government beyond regulation nesisary to protect the public interest and keep the nation economy in balance.

Free market-
an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Part 3

Today in class we watched the last part of the first movie, than began to watch the third one. In the third one it was about cars and how insurance is an important part of driving. If someone gets in a car accident and does not have insurance, then if the person who’s fault the accident was can’t pay for it, there is a problem. In China, if you have a car accident then a Liberty Mutual agent will come to the scene and try to settle a dispute right on the spot. If the accident was a minor one and no agent needs to come, then the person who committed the accident will just give the other person some money and send them off on their own ways. Also, the major road ways the Chinese workers build, they build them by hand. This is hard work, and takes long amount of time. Then after they are built, they need to be tested to make sure they are safe enough to drive on.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today in class we were watching the rest of the movie we have been watching. There is on lady in the movie where her and her husband combined make a total of $600 per year. Most of this money is spent on their child's education. The father does not think it is worth the money or needed because since they are paying for a GIRLS education, she is never going to grow up to be able to own her own business or get a big job because she is a girl. In China, girls still get treated differently then men. This shows the poor side of China, but on the other hand there was a family who lived in Chongqing who had a almost mansion of a house and could afford very expensive furnishings like sofas from name brands, and other things too. Then we learned about how dependent the United States and China are on each other. We take very simple products like cotton witch is grew in North Carolina then sent to China to be made into fabric or threat, then sent back to the states to be made into clothing, furniture, etc. If we were to ever go to war with China, which i very unlikely, the United States could be in potential trouble. At the same time however, people over here in the states kind of want us to stop going to China for help and buying from them even if the prices of our goods went up. Many believe this is what we need to do to strengthen our economy.