Monday, December 3, 2012

Part 3

Today in class we watched the last part of the first movie, than began to watch the third one. In the third one it was about cars and how insurance is an important part of driving. If someone gets in a car accident and does not have insurance, then if the person who’s fault the accident was can’t pay for it, there is a problem. In China, if you have a car accident then a Liberty Mutual agent will come to the scene and try to settle a dispute right on the spot. If the accident was a minor one and no agent needs to come, then the person who committed the accident will just give the other person some money and send them off on their own ways. Also, the major road ways the Chinese workers build, they build them by hand. This is hard work, and takes long amount of time. Then after they are built, they need to be tested to make sure they are safe enough to drive on.

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