Thursday, August 30, 2012

Letter to garcia

Today in class we got to listen to a story called A Message To Garcia. This story was about a man who was a general, and he was hiding because it was during the time of war, about the 1900's, and his name was Garcia. Garcia had to have a letter get to him so a messenger who had inside information about General Garcia got the message to him. The messenger did not ask where Garcia was located, but instead just took the message and tried to find him himself. People were shocked when he finally got the note to him. The moral of the story was that most people would have questioned before they did the job or would have just blown it off. But the messenger was so determined he did everything possible to get the letter to Garcia in time. It taught me a valuable lesson of life, in a way that i have never though of it. It tough that when it comes time to do something important that we don't overlook it, but instead we act. This is like when we have an important assignment due and we wait to the last minute to do a job that we could have done much better if we would have been more concentrated on the things that should matter more to us. Or even something as simple as spell checking an important paper to make sure the spelling is grammatically correct as well as punctuated correctly. This story taught me something very important as i make my way through highschool to collage and apply to get into good schools in the future and to get good jobs.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ancient Greeks.

Today in class we didn't learn anything new. We had to let some students catch up and set up blogger pages, while other just sat and talked.

Arete: was what Greek word for being the best you can. This meant they used all of their skills and what made them the best person possible.
Polis: This is the word a person from ancient Greece would call a city. As time continues to change, words get changed that end up having the same meaning as others.
Socrates: Was actually a person. He is a Greek philosopher who was born in Athens Greece. He is known by a piece of art work to this day because art was a big thing at this time in Greece. His piece of art that was made to remember him  was hard because people though he was not good looking.
The Socratic Method: This was the method that Socrates developed himself so that he could get people to be asking questions. This method is used by law students in some schools today, because it i important to know both sides of the story before proving someone guilty or not.
The death of Socrates: Socrated died by drinking hemlock. Hemlock was a plant that grew in Europe and it was poisonous so when he swallowed the plant, he would die.
The Date 508 B.C: A democracy was first developed in Greece during this year. This was not a big thing only in Greece but all around the world, because It was the very first government kind ever.
Agora: this was a place that was usually located somewhere in a city or polis at this time. It was used as a meeting place for many people.
What a Greek Meant by Idiot:  what the Greeks used the term 'idiot" they meant something different then today. They meant a person of the town that had very little skill in a professional field.

The ancient Greeks seem interesting to study, and i am looking forward to studying more in class.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Second day of school.

Toaday was the second day at John Carroll. During human geography, we learned about procedures we must follow each day so the class runs smoothly. I learned how to correctly send my blogger post from the first day to Mr. Schick, because i did it wrong the first time. Also, we went over how we would be graded during earth sceince class. I learned that i needed to get a composition book for this class, and we are not allowed to have sprial notebooks because they fall apart easily and will not hold up all year. Then, Mr. Schick told us about how he likes to be a paper free classroom and use our notebooks to take notes. Also, alot of work will be done on our tablet computers. Last thing I learned in Mr. Schicks class today is that each day we have him for class we have to write a entry on what we did. Even if we are sick, or leave school early and miss his class for sports we still have to make up the work and do the blog just saying something like i was not in class today because i had to play fallston in volleyball, or something similar.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First day of school.

Today for my first day of John Carroll, all freshmen were greeted with a nice breakfast. During this time, I had the opportunity to see new people for the first time, and friends from my old school too. It was a great first impression to a new school, that will soon feel like home to me. The very first thing I did was meet with my advisor, Mr.Fendryk, Who took me on a tour of where my classes would be found. This made me feel comfortable so I would not get lost. Next, we were sent to the gym to get a yearbook picture taken. During this time I was also taken on a tour of the locker room. Before I knew it, it was lunch time where all freshmen gathered to to eat pizza and cookies. Lastly came the most anticipated part of the day, meeting the rest of my teachers. Along with the awesome teachers I had, came a lot of lectures about keeping on top of work and studying. All teachers were great, but the class I was most excited for was health and wellness. I ended my first great day with jv volleyball practice. I had the best expierience possible on my first day of school.