Thursday, August 30, 2012

Letter to garcia

Today in class we got to listen to a story called A Message To Garcia. This story was about a man who was a general, and he was hiding because it was during the time of war, about the 1900's, and his name was Garcia. Garcia had to have a letter get to him so a messenger who had inside information about General Garcia got the message to him. The messenger did not ask where Garcia was located, but instead just took the message and tried to find him himself. People were shocked when he finally got the note to him. The moral of the story was that most people would have questioned before they did the job or would have just blown it off. But the messenger was so determined he did everything possible to get the letter to Garcia in time. It taught me a valuable lesson of life, in a way that i have never though of it. It tough that when it comes time to do something important that we don't overlook it, but instead we act. This is like when we have an important assignment due and we wait to the last minute to do a job that we could have done much better if we would have been more concentrated on the things that should matter more to us. Or even something as simple as spell checking an important paper to make sure the spelling is grammatically correct as well as punctuated correctly. This story taught me something very important as i make my way through highschool to collage and apply to get into good schools in the future and to get good jobs.

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