Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Today in class Mr. Schick tired not to scare all of us, but failed. We went over the procedures and what to do if a shooter were to enter our school and we were in his class. Tomorrow we get to practice this. Then he answered a couple of our questions that ended up taking the entire class. Some of the questions were like why don't some of the teachers just have a gun. But that would not be efficient because then the school would have to pay to let all the teachers have gun safety courses so they know how to operate it. Also, we learned that in case of emergency all the doors in the school are to stay locked. When you leave the classroom, and when you come back the person closest to the door is supposed to let you in. At the end of class Mr. Schick talked about how he is pretty sure since we have gone 50 years without anything that nothing is going to be happening this time either. But that is probably what the people in Columbine and Sandy Hook said too, "this will never happen to us."

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