Thursday, January 10, 2013

lockin it down

Today in class we had a lock down in the beginning of the class. It lasted for about 25 minutes and we all hid in the corner. When we hid in the corner there were police officers in the halls checking to see if there were a shooter to enter the building if we could be seen. Once the class rooms were all checked and cleared we returned to the class. We watched part 4,5,6 of the Jared Diamond videos on Guns germs and also steel. There were many places in the world that were starting to develop more advanced societies. Also we learned that there are over 2 million animals in this world capable of being domesticated, but only 14 of them have been able to fit the requirements. Goats, sheep, cows, and horses are some of the more popular domesticated animals. This is because they offer the skin, food, and horse power to the people. Other animals like pigs are just for the food but are still domesticated.

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