Saturday, October 27, 2012

World Leaders.


Federal Constitutional republic.

Felipe Calderón


Single- party republic.

Hu Jintao



Pranab Mukherjee

Islamic republic.

Hamid Karzai


Islamic republic

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad


Liberal democracy.



Federal republic.

Joachim Gauck

United Kingdom.

Constitutional Monarchy.

david cameron


semi- presidential system.

François Hollande


federal republic

Dilma Rousseff


Federal republic

Hugo Chávez

Saudi- Arabia

absolute monarchy

King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz

Anglea Merkel.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

test review.

Today in class we went over a few definitions of words we though would be on our test. A few definitions a put on the page were:
1. Christianity- the religion that has Jesus and God which are basically the same person as the central figure, and follow the holy book that is called the Bible.
2. Muhammad- the central figure of the Islamic religion.
3. Medina- the place were now day Saudi-Arabia men were expected for religious purposes to make a pilgrimage to at least one time in their life time.
3. Buddha- The central figure of the Buddhist religion.
4. Torah- The holy book that people read to learn about how to live correctly in the Judaism religion.
5. Monotheistic- The belief that only one god is in existence.
6. Polytheistic- The belief that there are more than one god in existence.
7. Covenant- a bond between two people.
8. Columbus- Columbus was the person who discovered America by accident. He tried to sail to India and instead he ran into America.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Test questions

1. Who is the central figure of  Christianity? Jesus.
2. What is the oldest and most diverse religion in the world? Hinduism.
3. What area's of the world are included in Islam? Indonesia, Bengladesh, Pakastan, and the Middle east.
4. Where is the birth place of Muhammed? Mecca.
5. What is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion? Judaism

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Religion Continued.

Today in class we began to talk about religion. Here are some of my notes I took:

~Siddhartha Gautama lived and taught in the eastern part of Indian subcontinent.

~Buddha is the central figure.

~Seen as enlighten teacher who sought the end of suffering among sentient beings.

~This religion is not considered to be monotheistic or polytheistic.

~Technically there is no holy book, but they believe in the four noble truths.

~believe suffering can be ended.

~376 billion Buddhist in the world.

~Centers around China, Japan, Mongolia, and many southwestern Asian countries.

~It is the oldest religion around the world and more diverse.

~Unlike others, Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet.

~It does not believe in one philosophic god.

~does not follow any one act of religious rites or performances.

~it is considered to be a way of life and nothing more.

~sacred texts are known as the Vendas, and philosophical epics, such as Bhagavada- Gita.


Religions from around the world are so unique and diverse in their own ways.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What are the different types of religion?

Today in class we went over more about cultural differences. Here are my notes from class:
~In Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country. They include groups like Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and Albanians.
~When strong leadership had died out over time, different groups fought a very bloody civil war, not they all have separated countries.
~In Rwanda and Burundi in Africa, Two ethnic groups were dominate. These two groups are called Hutu and Tutsi.
~The Hutu's are dominate in one and they begun to persecute the Tutsi, and vice versa with the other groups.
~This had led to almost constant war between these two different groups since they did not like each other very much.
~the United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in countries.
~Korea and Japan mainly only have one ethnic group, making them a lot less diverse then other countries around the world today.
~Religion can be both a unifying and ununifying force among many people.
~the 5 major religions practiced are Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam.
~ Religion can make a group of people come closer together whether its someone in your church or if it is a family member you see at something like a funeral.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Many different religion's influence the world. One of them is Christianity which was founded somewhere around the first century. The first place in the world to practice Christianity was in the Middle East.The church based its religion on one god, or monotheistic beliefs, because they thought there should be one god and father. The holy book they follow is called the Bible. It is split up into 2 sections, the old testament which were the events that took place before the birth of Jesus, then the new testament was created based on the events after Jesus had been born. It is said that about 33% of people in the world follow these beliefs. The central figure is Jesus Christ, the son of God who was part man and shared his beliefs with his followers. Geographical concentration of Christianity is around the middle east of the country and it quickly spread to worldwide locations today. Another religion is Islam. It was founded around the seventh century around a place near where now day Saudi Arabia is. This religion is polytheistic because they believe in a moon god Allah and its three daughters that go by the name of al lat, al uzza and al manat. the holy book these people follow is the Qur'an. The book teaches the importance of God the prophet Mohammad. About 23% of all people in the world are Islamic. Mohammad is the leader of this religion and follows the Sunnai to teach the people. Buddhism began 2,500 years ago, around 500 B in India. Buddhism however is neither mono or polytheistic due to the belief that it does not depend on the existence of God. The holy book the people follow along to is called the Tripitaka. It is said that nearly 300 to 500 million people practice Buddhism. Even though you don't hear of a lot of people practicing this religion, in other places in the world it is the most popular. The Buddha is the central figure that all people honor. The religion of Hinduism has been around for quite a while, making it hard to know where the very first place it originated was but many people believe it started in India around the third millennium. Hinduism is both mono and polytheistic because they teach about one God that has many different manifestations. Vendas is the oldest holy book they used, but there are many different holy books that can also be used in addition to that one. There is said to be about 900 million to one billion people who practice Hinduism. One central figures of the Hindu religion is Krishna. The last large world-wide religion is Judaism. This religion started in 1400 B.C as a religion at Mount Sinai the great revelation. Judaism is a type of monotheistic religion because the people only believe in one god. They think that since he created the world, they must follow what he did because he is still running the world. The people refer the the holy book called the Tanakh, meaning the Jewish bible. This bible is composed of smaller books called the Torah and the prophetic books. The book is called this because the word Torah means bible when translated. As far as followers, Judaism has about 900 million people who practice this. Some of the central figures of this religion can include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and a couple of others also. The religions that are practiced worldwide today are very unique in their own special ways. Some of the religions when compared originated from around the same areas, before they began to spread world-wide.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Today in class we went over culture. There are many thigns that can influence a culture in the world. Many characteristics play a part in the way a certain country or place functions. For example, the characteristics are part of the groups everyday life and the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members is important to keep heritage and culture running smoothly. A few examples of culural similarities can include but is not limited to religion, language, and ethnic heritage. These same characteristics are ones that can link or even divide a region of the world. There are places in the world like Spain where the people there link with the hispanic world. Brasil is the only country in south america that does not speak spanish, but instead speak Portuguese. There are also places in the world such as Switzerland were there are very diverse languages spoken, yet there is little to no argument. Lastly, some places in the world like Canada have two offical langugages which are French and also English.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today in class we started to share our power points we made in class the other day. I learned about many tribes that came to the United States. Here are my notes from class today.
Native Americans:
~Found DNA that was related to native americans/asian heritage.
~dated back to 14,300 years ago.
~the people who migrated were called indo-europeans.
~The native americans that came over were from russia, europe, asia and many other places.
~They crossed over a land bridge called the Beringian strait.
~The native americans were the first ones to america.
~They are known to be Indegenous.
~they did not fight for the land, because it was untouched, leaving it for them to just take over.
~They were not sent to find the land, they just moved as part of their culture. It was sort of an accident they even found america in the first place.
~Some Native Americans are still in the United States today.
~The native americans took care of their land because the lived off of it.

~The vikings came to america around 1,000 AD
~They first landed on Greenland apon migrating over.
~They saw hills and forest which was america, because they got lost.
~Traveled by boat.
~Eriksson traveled to Norway to get converted into Christianity.
~The vikings did not see the need or value to conquer america.
~they were not sent by anyone, the came on their own, accidental as well.
~Stayed in the americas for about 350 years.
~Vikings were respectful of their land.
~Pillaged others land with no regrets.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus day.

Today in class we got our test back on god grew tired of us. Then we begun talking about Columbus day and Christopher Columbus. I learned that he was aiming to get to India when he collided with another land mass. He figured he was in India but he actually had just discovered America. however, when he arrived he saw a lot of people. It is now known that nearly 50 million people were already settled in Americas when Christopher found it. He completed 4 voyages across the Atlantic ocean which lead him to the discovery  of the Americas. Many other tribes like the vikings and others had already been to the Americas. The Britians believed they were Superior to all other nations at that time because they had been able to locate a new region they were able to settle in. After this his next journey was to go to Asia. the route to Asia however was very long and tough which made the quest for Columbus even more challenging.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Test Day.

Today in class we took a test on God Grew Tired of Us. The main characters in the story were Daniel, panther, and John. The boys had many jobs’ they did once they got to the Unites States. For example one of them worked in a factory that made gaskets. This did not require much education, so it was something he could do right away. Also, Daniel had 3 jobs and one of them was flipping burgers at McDonald’s. The war in Sudan that was fought between the north which was made of the Muslims trying to control all of Africa’s oil, and the Christians in the south being controlled. The boys then fled to Kukama controlled by the United Nations, where they formed a type of support group called a Parliament. The lost boys fled to Ethiopia before their final destination in Kenya. After that some stayed and other lucky boys were able to be go to America where they had a chance to become successful on their own. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Helping Others.

Today in class we continued to reflect on what we learned from the movie God Grew Tired of Us. We had to look at alternatives to reflect on because we learned that to have John come to the school would cost way to much money per person. We saw many different option of charities we could give to. One was one about pencils. This charity is about getting money donations from others and building schools in Africa to make them more educated about what they can do with for example all the oil they have. Since countries like the United States are in high demand for oil, Africa's could become more educated and know how they could sell oil or how they could get things to work with the oil they have.Also, we learned about what Toms shoe company is doing to help others. For instance they are taking toms shoes to places all around the world because when you buy a pair of their shoes, they donate another pair to a person in need. I think this is a great organization because from their profit they are doing something for a person who is less fortunate. The last thing we looked into doing was helping children who are born with clef pallet. This is when a child is born without their top lip being attached all they way through so they need surgery so they will be able to suck on a pacifier.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reflecting on what we learned.

Today in class we looked at possible ways we could help the lost boys in Africa. Many of us found ways that could benefit the people and found possible ways to donate things and money to help better the lives of the others. This relates to the movie we have been watching because the lost boys came to America with nothing so we are trying to prove that we can make a difference in the lives of many Africans. Many other African lost boys in the future will probably make the flight from Africa to the United States in hopes of a better life style. I found a charity online where you can donate money to the charity and they send the money to the refugee camp in Africa so they can maybe get things they need to help survive and make a better life. If I were living in Africa and someone thought to help me to the point they donated money, I would be grateful. The people this society effects were the ones most affected by the civil war when it happened. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Very last day of the movie !!!

Today in class we finished the movie we had been watching for close to a week. The ending was very surprising and definitely not what i expected to happen. The lost boys that fled to the Unites States, or as known as refugees, started a campaign to show the Unites States and its government that something needs to be done to help the civil war going on back in Sudan. After many speeches telling citizens to talk to the government about the possible things that could be done to help Sudan recover, the boys feel as if they have accomplished something. This is something they could see bettering their future if something is done to help. John became the secretary for the lost boys of America which consists of all the men and boys who fled Africa, particularly Sudan during these rough and terrible times. Some men mentioned in the video watched some of their own family members die right before their eyes. One of the men had not seen their mother for seven teen years. He left Sudan when he was thirteen and that was when he last saw her. After three years of refugee camp and the other years he was in America, he saved up enough money for his mother to come to the United States to see him. They are both in tears and do not know what to expect when they see each other for the first time, and are reunited again. Panther is going back to Africa. While he is there he is planning on marrying his girlfriend. Also, with the knowledge he has gained from being in America, he would like to work to open a school in Africa to show the people how they can make money since they have oil which alot of countries are in high demand for. Lastly, John is working to build medical clinics all across Africa. This will help people be more healthy and change their lifestyle being able to possibly live longer.