Thursday, October 18, 2012

Religion Continued.

Today in class we began to talk about religion. Here are some of my notes I took:

~Siddhartha Gautama lived and taught in the eastern part of Indian subcontinent.

~Buddha is the central figure.

~Seen as enlighten teacher who sought the end of suffering among sentient beings.

~This religion is not considered to be monotheistic or polytheistic.

~Technically there is no holy book, but they believe in the four noble truths.

~believe suffering can be ended.

~376 billion Buddhist in the world.

~Centers around China, Japan, Mongolia, and many southwestern Asian countries.

~It is the oldest religion around the world and more diverse.

~Unlike others, Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet.

~It does not believe in one philosophic god.

~does not follow any one act of religious rites or performances.

~it is considered to be a way of life and nothing more.

~sacred texts are known as the Vendas, and philosophical epics, such as Bhagavada- Gita.


Religions from around the world are so unique and diverse in their own ways.

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