Saturday, October 13, 2012


Many different religion's influence the world. One of them is Christianity which was founded somewhere around the first century. The first place in the world to practice Christianity was in the Middle East.The church based its religion on one god, or monotheistic beliefs, because they thought there should be one god and father. The holy book they follow is called the Bible. It is split up into 2 sections, the old testament which were the events that took place before the birth of Jesus, then the new testament was created based on the events after Jesus had been born. It is said that about 33% of people in the world follow these beliefs. The central figure is Jesus Christ, the son of God who was part man and shared his beliefs with his followers. Geographical concentration of Christianity is around the middle east of the country and it quickly spread to worldwide locations today. Another religion is Islam. It was founded around the seventh century around a place near where now day Saudi Arabia is. This religion is polytheistic because they believe in a moon god Allah and its three daughters that go by the name of al lat, al uzza and al manat. the holy book these people follow is the Qur'an. The book teaches the importance of God the prophet Mohammad. About 23% of all people in the world are Islamic. Mohammad is the leader of this religion and follows the Sunnai to teach the people. Buddhism began 2,500 years ago, around 500 B in India. Buddhism however is neither mono or polytheistic due to the belief that it does not depend on the existence of God. The holy book the people follow along to is called the Tripitaka. It is said that nearly 300 to 500 million people practice Buddhism. Even though you don't hear of a lot of people practicing this religion, in other places in the world it is the most popular. The Buddha is the central figure that all people honor. The religion of Hinduism has been around for quite a while, making it hard to know where the very first place it originated was but many people believe it started in India around the third millennium. Hinduism is both mono and polytheistic because they teach about one God that has many different manifestations. Vendas is the oldest holy book they used, but there are many different holy books that can also be used in addition to that one. There is said to be about 900 million to one billion people who practice Hinduism. One central figures of the Hindu religion is Krishna. The last large world-wide religion is Judaism. This religion started in 1400 B.C as a religion at Mount Sinai the great revelation. Judaism is a type of monotheistic religion because the people only believe in one god. They think that since he created the world, they must follow what he did because he is still running the world. The people refer the the holy book called the Tanakh, meaning the Jewish bible. This bible is composed of smaller books called the Torah and the prophetic books. The book is called this because the word Torah means bible when translated. As far as followers, Judaism has about 900 million people who practice this. Some of the central figures of this religion can include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and a couple of others also. The religions that are practiced worldwide today are very unique in their own special ways. Some of the religions when compared originated from around the same areas, before they began to spread world-wide.

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