Monday, October 1, 2012

Very last day of the movie !!!

Today in class we finished the movie we had been watching for close to a week. The ending was very surprising and definitely not what i expected to happen. The lost boys that fled to the Unites States, or as known as refugees, started a campaign to show the Unites States and its government that something needs to be done to help the civil war going on back in Sudan. After many speeches telling citizens to talk to the government about the possible things that could be done to help Sudan recover, the boys feel as if they have accomplished something. This is something they could see bettering their future if something is done to help. John became the secretary for the lost boys of America which consists of all the men and boys who fled Africa, particularly Sudan during these rough and terrible times. Some men mentioned in the video watched some of their own family members die right before their eyes. One of the men had not seen their mother for seven teen years. He left Sudan when he was thirteen and that was when he last saw her. After three years of refugee camp and the other years he was in America, he saved up enough money for his mother to come to the United States to see him. They are both in tears and do not know what to expect when they see each other for the first time, and are reunited again. Panther is going back to Africa. While he is there he is planning on marrying his girlfriend. Also, with the knowledge he has gained from being in America, he would like to work to open a school in Africa to show the people how they can make money since they have oil which alot of countries are in high demand for. Lastly, John is working to build medical clinics all across Africa. This will help people be more healthy and change their lifestyle being able to possibly live longer.

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