Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today in class we had a double. For the first part we talked about how the Twinkies company, Hostess, is going out of business. The workers went on strike because other companies were doing better selling other goods and Hostess was making less money. The workers could the decide to come back a work fora little less money, or they could all get together and tell their boss what they think and not come back to work. Most workers chose the second option, making the company have to file for some type of bankruptcy. Then we learned about both types of bankruptcy. The second half of class we continued on watching our video. In the video i learned that most of the items you would buy in Walmart, are made by the Chinese. This is what gives Walmart the ability to sell things to people for less money. I think this video is very interesting in learned about our economy and how China might be helping and hurting it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today in class we continued to watch the movie we started in class yesterday about our economy. Here are some of the notes i took today:

1. Chongqing is the #1 city in China that a lot of United States people don't know about, but they have a larger population compared to most Chinese cities.

2. China is slowly taking more and more of our jobs away from us
3. They have Walmart and other United States companies in China. :)

4. Kids get trained in things like technology and English at early ages to become successful.

5. China does not provide workers with a minimum wage like in the United States. 

6. Government officials make a family pay a lot of money to have more then one kid due to the large population. 

7. Poor people are China's strengths and weaknesses.

8. Many Chinese work on some type of assembly line simply because they get paid a little bit more money. If they don't like this as their job there are 1,000's of other people who would happily take the job.

9. At the end of the year they hope to have enough money to afford a pig so they can either beef it up to slaughter it or they can sell it for more money at a market. 

10. Men make more then women. Men usually get $3-4 a day. A women usually makes $1-2 per day.
11. China does not have child labor laws like the United States enforces among all people. 

12. There were parents in the video who's combined annual salary per year was $600. Half of that income went toward private education for their child. 

13. Jobs in the United States are going to people in China quickly, leaving more and more people in the states looking for a new job to help support families. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Economic geography

Today in class we got our test back that you recently graded. I did better on this test then i have in previous ones because i studied and put more time and effort into the blogs i have been doing lately. I learned that Dilma Rousseff had the famous parrot perch performed on her due to her attempt to try and over throw the government in her country. Then we moved on to start watching a short movie on the economy of the word, but for the most part it was focusing on China. In the  beginning many people were at a job fair taking place in a state in the United States. Then they were describing how many of the United States jobs have been given to people in China. For example, there was a cotton farm in the United States who shipped their cotton to china to be made into fabric cotton. Little things like these are slowly starting to make China more powerful in terms of their economy. They are starting to rebuild their economy because they had a earthquake that destroyed many towns around it, making the economy worst for a short amount of time.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Today in class we went over the directions of the paper due on Monday. Mr. Schick taught us how to format the paper we had to write. I learned that the paper had to be centered to the right and we had to put our first and last name on it along with human geography mod 2. Then we have to put the date of when we wrote the paper. Then we have to put the title of the paper like World leaders at the top in the middle. Then, Mr. Schick taught us about how we should not count the amount of word we use and just write our paper. Then we talked about how Israel and the Pakistanis are shooting bombs and rockets at each other and are killing many of people, including a baby. The people are mad and want to put a stop to this; however they think this could probably lead to a war between the people. However, they don’t want it to end like this since 19 already died. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Facts

Today in class we went over our homework from last night. Here are some of my notes from class today:
1.       United States independence is July 4, 1776.
2.       Porter Rico wants to become their own state, not just a colony.
3.       In China, the new leader took over today and he has a daughter over her in the United States who is currently attending the Harvard University.
4.       In Afghanistan, planes can’t land so it is very hard for our troops to help again the Taliban in Afghanistan.
5.       China has been one of the oldest civilizations, and has been around for thousands of years.
6.       India was controlled by Muslim rulers in the 19th century.
7.       Brazil was part of the Portugal Empire.
8.       Afghanistan was a conquering and a conquered place before declaring their independence.
9.       France declared their independence on July 14th, 1789.
10.   Before Germany was unified, they were the center of the Holy Empire.
11.   Mexico was controlled by Spain, and were called new Spain at one time before they achieved their independence.
12.    Spaniards colonized Mexico when they got their independence.
13.   The Brazilians achieved their independence on September 2nd, 1822.
14.   France has always kind of been independent.
15.   Saudi Arabia got established September 23rd, 1932. 

In class work

Today in class we went over the world leaders locations on the map. Then we learned that we were going to have to do a project with the relationships of the United States with other countries in the world. Then we also learned there were two different sides we could take weather we wanted to talk about our relationship with Israel and how the other country wants to bomb them, and what we should or should not do. I think if we bombed them it would be automatic war, but if not we could get in a war with the other side. So the United States is in a bad situation with the possible nuclear threat. Also, we started to find world locations on a map. That is because for the test we are going to have to know where they all are located in the world. Then, we learned tomorrow we would learn more on our project due Mondays  class.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Mexican war of independence was when Mexico and also the Spanish officials fought over boarders. Mexico gained independence on September 16, 1810, recognized by Spain. Before their independence, many different civilizations were settled in mexico like the Myan and Olmec tribes. Mexico was previously part of Spain before they separated due to the outcome of the war.

Unlike many other of the Middle East countries  Iran managed to stay independent, so therefore they never needed to gain their independence in the first place. Iran is the home of most of the worlds largest and oldest civilizations ever known. since they stayed independent,they were never art of another colony however, they were defeated by Alexander the great.

On January 18, 1871 Otto Van Bismarck  the president of Prussia, unified separate states in Germany as on nation state. However, they never really needed to gain independence as a whole. After world war 2, Germany was watched very toughly. Therefore, like Iran Fermany never was part of another country. 

France was never  a colony, but instead they were a independence from the start. Therefore, they were never a part of any other country. However, they did have to fight to keep their Independence from other nations a long time ago.

The Venezuelan war of independence was one of the wars of the Spanish American wars. Latin Americans fought against the rule of Spanish empire. Before this war, they were a part of Spain, then gained their independence through war.  Half of the white Venezuelans were killed in this bloody battle. Before independence, Venezuela had always hoped to be free of Spain and Spanish rule.

United Kingdom:
The UK was officially independent on April 12, 1927.
The country ruled other countries and covered a large amount of land. They never actually had anyone control them fully. The United Kingdom in located in Europe and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.
Afghanistan gained independence on August 19, 1919.
At first, Britain controlled Afghanistan. A tribe called the Pashtuns founded Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a very important trade route in history; the Silk Road is located here. Currently there is a war happening here, so it’s not very safe. Afghanistan is located in South Central Asia and is surrounded by other countries.
Description: gained independence in September 7, 1822.
Brazil was under the Portuguese rule for over three centuries before becoming independent. The Portuguese claimed the land in April 1500. Brazil became very popular because of the amount of silver and gold that was being found there. Brazil is located in South America.
Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia was established on September 23, 1932.
The first colony was founded in the 18th century. This country is also known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This country was founded by Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, after Muhammad's death who is the current president. They are leading in oil exports. Saudi Arabia can be found in the Middle East and is bordered by many countries.
India became independent in August 15, 1947.
India was once ruled by the United Kingdom. They have many historic trade routes and the second largest population and is home to many different religions. India is located in Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today in class

Today in class we sang happy birthday to will and also alice and went over the test we just recently took. Then Mr. Schick announced to us that we will be having a project that will be due in a week from today then never went over any more information about what we have to do. However he did say we are going to have to find places we have been studying and think about if we should be allies with them and help them out, and if we could work together with the chosen place. A place I think we should stay strong with is Saudi Arabia because their king is getting old, and if we still have that relationship with them when he dies we will be able to still buy the large amounts of oil we buy today from them still. This is good because they give most of it to us, even though Venezuela also gives us a lot. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Test day

Today in class we found out that we have a pop quiz. But then Mr. Schick let us use our blogs. On the quiz we had questions about matching the political leaders up with the country they are the leaders of, and then we had to know some important basic facts about the leaders. For example, the king of Saudi Arabia is getting old, so one of his sons is going to have to take over hopefully. Since we buy a lot of oil from this country, it works out good for the United States. Also, I learned that another country we get some oil from that is over 1,000 miles off the coast of Florida is Venezuela. Hu Jintao is the current leader of China, but in a bout 2 weeks his spot is going to be given up to the next person China feels is worthy of running the country for the next 10 years. Also, Obama got re-elected for his second term as president of the United States.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Possible War??

Today in class we went over more interesting facts about the world leaders we are continuing to study. I learned a lot of facts about out leader, Barack Obama. I learned that he was the very first African American president to be in charge of the United States. Also, he was interested in law so he went to Harvard for his college education and got a degree in law. After that he worked as a civil rights lawyer and teacher as well. Obama was a senator for Illinoi, but since he got voted as president, he was forced by law to resign his job as the senator since it is against the law to be president and serve as a senator at the same time. Also, Angela Merkel studied chemistry in school, and then became surprisingly interested in the study of economics. Lastly, we talked about how one of the nations is building a nuclear power plant. We think they are building nuclear weapons, because the leader wants to wipe out all the Jews in Israel, so since we are allies they think we should bomb the plant before they have the chance to do so. But the United States know that this will definitely lead to a war between us. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

World leader facts.

Today in class we took turns sharing different interesting facts we found out about the world leaders we have been dealing with for a couple of days now. Some of the notes i took during class are:

World Leaders.
·         The form of torture used in Brazil is called the parrot perch.
·         Dilma experienced Coup d’état, meaning she’s trying to over throw the government.
·         Enrique wanted to broaden the economy and create more jobs. He wrote a book about it.
·         Queen Elizabeth has lived through 12 U.S presidents.
·         Afghanistan has a lot of caves, mountains, and crevices.
·         Taliban was in charged before the president.
·         Karzai has lasted at least 4 assassination attempts. He’s from Afghanistan
·         When Chavez was a young man he tried coup d’état and got arrested and put in jail or 2 years.
·         Hu Jintao is head of communist party in China.
·         Hu’s biggest accomplishment has been turning china into a huge economic power right now.

         Some of the leaders we have been looking at, at one point made an attempt to over throw their government. Some of them ended up going to jail for a short amount of time. Also i learned that Afghanistan has many political issues going on in their county. For example, they have many gangs that have done things to people who live there, like the girl we discussed who got shot in the head because she though that in Afghanistan girls should be able to receive a good education just like the boys. Lastly I learned that the leader of Saudi Arabia is getting older. When he dies, if one of his 30 children dont take over, the Unites States could be in big trouble. Since we get oil from them, if we are no longer able to we will probably end up going to war with them about it. 


Monday, November 5, 2012

More World Leaders !

1.      Felipe Calderon- He served in the cabinet before he resigned then he became the president, also He was also a local representative in the legislative assembly. 

2.      Hu Jintao- Has been involved in the communist party bureaucracy most of his adulthood class, he reintroduced state control in some sectors of the economy.

3.      Pranab Mukherjee- He got involved in the politics of the India national congress in 1969, he played a crucial role in steering the cabinet and keeping it up and running.

4.      Hamid Karzai- he became the dominant political figure after the removal of the person before him, also he was chosen for a 2 year long term in office.

5.      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- he is a controversial figure in his country and worldwide also, he was not widely known when he was running for the president and ended up winning.

6.      Benjamin Netanyahu- is the current prime minister of Isreal, also he is clos tied with the United States and with the Obama party.

7.      Joachim Gauck- his political life was formed from his own family’s beliefs, and he tried to make a statement that the Muslims who we reliving in the country were now part of Germany.

8.      David Cameron- worked for the conservative research department before being a leader of the country, he is working to concentrate more on people happiness and well-being then financial wealth.

9.      Francois Hollande- was a part of the socialist party before coming president, he then became a special advisor to the newly elected president giving him experience when it was his turn.

10.  Dilma Rousseff- supports abortion for pregnancies which endanger the mother. This is very controversial among many people. Also, she opposes gay marriage.

11.  Hugo Chavez- Chavez government’s initial policies were moderate; also he tried to eliminate poverty in Venezuela among the working class.

12.  King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz-made the protection of Saudi Arabia's critical infrastructure a top security priority, also he made it ok for women athletes in Saudi- Arabia to compete in the Olympics.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Today in class we went over our research on world leaders. I learned that for our test on the information we would only have to know the leader of the country, and not the type of government they have. I also learned that the ten places we must learn bout all somehow relate to the United States. For example Saudi- Arabia is on the list because this is the country where we have our largest oil imports from. All the other countries have relevance to us too somehow, weather it is through war or trading or other reasons. We did not do anything new in class today.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

test answers

Today in class we went over our test. Then we were given the rest of class to work on our world leaders assignment.