Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today in class we had a double. For the first part we talked about how the Twinkies company, Hostess, is going out of business. The workers went on strike because other companies were doing better selling other goods and Hostess was making less money. The workers could the decide to come back a work fora little less money, or they could all get together and tell their boss what they think and not come back to work. Most workers chose the second option, making the company have to file for some type of bankruptcy. Then we learned about both types of bankruptcy. The second half of class we continued on watching our video. In the video i learned that most of the items you would buy in Walmart, are made by the Chinese. This is what gives Walmart the ability to sell things to people for less money. I think this video is very interesting in learned about our economy and how China might be helping and hurting it.

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