Monday, November 26, 2012

Economic geography

Today in class we got our test back that you recently graded. I did better on this test then i have in previous ones because i studied and put more time and effort into the blogs i have been doing lately. I learned that Dilma Rousseff had the famous parrot perch performed on her due to her attempt to try and over throw the government in her country. Then we moved on to start watching a short movie on the economy of the word, but for the most part it was focusing on China. In the  beginning many people were at a job fair taking place in a state in the United States. Then they were describing how many of the United States jobs have been given to people in China. For example, there was a cotton farm in the United States who shipped their cotton to china to be made into fabric cotton. Little things like these are slowly starting to make China more powerful in terms of their economy. They are starting to rebuild their economy because they had a earthquake that destroyed many towns around it, making the economy worst for a short amount of time.

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