Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Facts

Today in class we went over our homework from last night. Here are some of my notes from class today:
1.       United States independence is July 4, 1776.
2.       Porter Rico wants to become their own state, not just a colony.
3.       In China, the new leader took over today and he has a daughter over her in the United States who is currently attending the Harvard University.
4.       In Afghanistan, planes can’t land so it is very hard for our troops to help again the Taliban in Afghanistan.
5.       China has been one of the oldest civilizations, and has been around for thousands of years.
6.       India was controlled by Muslim rulers in the 19th century.
7.       Brazil was part of the Portugal Empire.
8.       Afghanistan was a conquering and a conquered place before declaring their independence.
9.       France declared their independence on July 14th, 1789.
10.   Before Germany was unified, they were the center of the Holy Empire.
11.   Mexico was controlled by Spain, and were called new Spain at one time before they achieved their independence.
12.    Spaniards colonized Mexico when they got their independence.
13.   The Brazilians achieved their independence on September 2nd, 1822.
14.   France has always kind of been independent.
15.   Saudi Arabia got established September 23rd, 1932. 

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