Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 3 of movie

Today in class we continued to watch the video we have been watching for a few days. We learned that one man is from a tribe called the Dinka tribe. Many of the men that come from this tribe tend to be very tall in height, and he is too. The few men they are showing i the video mainly all got at least one job in the first year of being in america. John has two jobs that he got and one of them is frying hamburgers at McDonald's. Since they only have bikes for transportation, and most of them have to travel far distances, they get volunteers from their jobs who are willing to drive them to take them, and they will take them to their second job too when they are done at their first one. They start work at two am and sometimes the volunteer drivers have to be places earlier so they sit outside of work for about 2 hours at the most and sleep, then they finish their shift of work usually around 12. All the boys would agree that the people in the United Sates are mean compared to where they come from. For example in the 711 near the apartment they are staying at, the man called the police since all 4 of them went in the store together. I thought this was mean because they are sort of judging the boys even though they do not clearly know their background and what they have gone through. Daniel took the approach of going to school instead of jumping right in to getting a job. He wants to get a job that requires more skill then the jobs they could get any day. However, he is starting to see how hard it is to pay for school. Lastly, one of the boys got a letter from his family back home. His family made it through everything how ever most of this aunt and uncles and other family members died.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us part 2

Today in class we continued to watch the movie God Grew Tired of Us that we started a couple of classes ago. We learned that many of the men traveling on this journey had thoughts of killing themselves. Also, in this part of the movie they were talking about how they were sad and how the would do mostly anything to just see their parents again. Then, during the middle the men are beginning to get flew to the United States. However these people are mostly older men and boys because when they come to America they are expected to get a job within three weeks to pay the United States government back for their air fare on the way over, and they also have to pay for the apartment the government paid for as well. When they get to the airport they were amazed to see escalators and id not understand how they worked. Daniel and Panther end up in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania where they will be living in an apartment together. They can not believe the sight of electricity and grocery stores. When they are first introduced to a potato chip, they cant believe that after opening the bag they are ready to eat, and taste good. Also, when they turn on the lamp they cant believe that a light comes on. On the plane ride over, they are eating mayonnaise out of packets and butter and jelly out of containers. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today in class we got our quiz's back that we took last class. A lot of people did very well on it, and most got all A's and B's. Then we went on to watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us that we also began last class, but did not finish. I learned that the lost boys traveled over 1,000 miles from country to country, and did this many times. There are many reasons that caused them to up and move so many times. They include things like the civil war going on between the two parts of Sudan, the government then collapsed at there next stop, then they moved once more to a part of Africa that the United Nations had set up to help people like these groups of traveling boys. Once they reached this camp the fighting was far from over. The boys were forced to fight for basic needs that were in sacks. Many of the boys over a period of time grew to be very tiny and skinny. Also, the United Nations provided them with some basic school subjects. This included Math, Science, and English to help them be able to speak more fluently. Sometimes these camps got so bad, people who attended them though about killing themselves because they thought that was the eariser way out of their lives. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us.

Today in class we started a movie called God Grew Tired of Us. In the movie there was 3 main characters who lived in Africa. During this time (1987) there was a very bloody civil war going on between North and South Sudan. The men are forced to escape to Kukama Kenya. The United Nations controlled the refugee camp they escaped to. The men who traveled in this extravagant journey were called the lost boys. The lost boys traveled for over 1,000 miles to escape the scenes of the bloody war. Then the government in Kenya collapsed so they lost boys were forced to move further to Ethiopia to survive. Part of the reason of the collapse is because oil was found, so Muslims took over the are of where the oil was and made life terrible and unable to handle for the Christians and Andamists. In 1987 a group of people came up with the idea of killing all men and boys regardless of what age they were. One of the main characters, Daniel, his dad died because of the shooting. Most men and boys did die except for the ones who were able to escape and hide in near by brush and bushes. 27,000 boys were killed ranging from ages ten to five years old. Along all the journeys the lost boys lacked food, water, and even shelter. The amount of people went from 28,000 to 12,000 due to harsh conditions along all the journeys they traveled through together. The men and boys who did survive ended up with only bones left, no skin barely.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More presentations

Today in class more group shared their projects. The groups that presented were Nigeria, the United States, and Brazil. In Brazil, the women are supposed to love about 10 years longer then men. However this is not the only place where this is true, because in practically every single country in the world women live longer then men. There are many reasons that cause this. One reason is because men are more likely to get heart diseases and cardiovascular disease. Also, men do harder manual work then women performing jobs like lumber jacks, fire fighters, and other tough jobs that could cause you to get hurt. Also, people in the United States complain about the unemployment rate which is about 7%, but in other countries there is very small amount of jobs people are fighting and competing for. Lastly, I learned that in a lot of countries there in not only one language that is considered to be their official language. There are languages spoken that people have never heard of but originated from languages we have heard of.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Presentations !!

Today in class we begun to share our presentations we had been preparing. I learned that in Niger, the unemployment rate is very high. This means people in Niger are almost fighting for jobs because not everyone has one. It doesn't seem bad, but in the United States people are complaining about jobs, but we have a lot more available then Niger does. Also, in Niger the net migration rate is 101 in the world. This means that they have more people migrating out of the 1,000 people. If they do not have enough people, many jobs will not get done, or will take a much longer time then needed to get done. In Germany, the population is also going down. This is due to the fact that more people are dieing then mothers are having children. I learned the crude birth rate or another name, CBR is the number of births per a year yer 1,000 population. In Germany the crude birth rate is 8.33 births/ 1,000 population. This ranks 217th in the world, and is very bad compared to other countries. If you take this number and subtract the crude death rate then it leaves you with the rate of natural increase for a country over a period of a year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today is class we started a project. We are sharing the project in school tomorrow and we finished it tonight for homework.

Monday, September 17, 2012

People, People, and more People !

Today in class we learned about the dangers of our population becoming abnormally large. It took over 10,000 years for the first billion of people in the population. Now it only takes about 13 years for our population to gain 1 billion people! People of the world need to understand the dangers of having too many people on the earth because we could run out of clean water, food, and other necessities. Also, people are having more and more babies in developing countries. A developing country is one that does not have a good government or is still developing something like a sanitation system. Since people are having more and more kids in places that cant support them, the poverty rate across the country is beginning to rise. In Monaco, a rich place near the water with pretty beaches, people are expected t live until they are about 90 years old. The United States falls in the middle where we are expected to live to about 75. Lastly, in poor unsanitised places, people only live to be about 49! Also, the population can rise due to migration or people having kids. There is a thoery that if each family has 2 kids then the population wont go up because the two kids will take place of one of the parents.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Class Discussion

Today in class we had a discussion over the Did You Know 3.0 video we watched last night for homework. One of my favorite facts that i shared in class was it took the radio about 38 years to become popular, the cell phone about 5, but facebook only took 2 years to become popular. The man making facebook had no idea when he created it that it would be so popular making it available in over 70 languages. Also, we learned that cell phones have come a long way in the last 20 years since the very first one was created. When they were first made, you could not carry them around like you do now. Also, now a lot more features are included in the phone. A camera is one of the biggest and most impressing things found in a phone today because years ago if you wanted you phone and a camera you had to use each of them separately. Also, ipods have made music more portable then ever. Before ipods, rows of records were lined up and when you wanted to listen to music you had to physically find the record and play it. Now all the space the records took up can fit into your pocket. With the technological advances we have now compared to years ago, we have life so much easier than people from long ago. As the Did You Know 3.0 said, people studying technology, their devices they are learning on will be out dated in only 3 years!

Interesting !

Mr. Schick, This is my blog from Thursday night, because I just got my blog working again.

Today in class, we went over our homework from two nights ago. I learned that women are allowed to fight and lead military battles in China. Also, United States uses so much oil we have to buy it from many different countries. However, to make costs of driving cars less expensive, we are turning to hybrid cars and smart cars, because they are cheaper. A smart car only costs 10 cents to "fill" all the way and lets you drive up to 72 miles. Then, toward the end of class we watched a video with some very interesting facts. I learned that the very first text message was sent in December of 1992 and now each day more texts are sent that population of the planet! Also, I learned that so many people are using facebook, it is available in over 70 different languages. I enjoyed seeing the different facts that i would have never thought wuld be true.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today is class we discussed the homework from the CIA website we did the other night. I learned that Zimbabwe has a 95% unemployment rate. People in the United States think that our rate is high but it does not even compare to Zimbabwe or other countries. We are not even in the top 10 for unemployment. Also, I learned that Russia is the biggest country worldwide. Even though Russia is so large, they don’t rank high on the population list. This is because, much of Russia is tundra and people are not able to live in the harsh climates these areas have to offer. Then, we learned about how the United States has the biggest amount of imported oil in the world. We buy oil from places all over like Saudi Arabia, which happens to be sitting on more oil than they could ever use in their lifetimes. US consume so much oil due to the fact that everything we make runs or uses oil. This includes cars, trucks, lawn mowers, fire trucks, etc. Even things like posters in a teacher’s room, or shoe stitching needs oil in order to be made. I learned a lot of new things for looking over the CIA fact book information.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA factbook.

CIA factbook:

  1. What is the population of the United States? 313,847,465 people.

  1. What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil.

  1. What is the population of Pakistan? 190,291,129 people.

  1. What kind of government does the United States have? Constitution-based federal republic

  1. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95%

  1. What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

  1. What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

  1. What country has the greatest number of exports? China.
  2. What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia
  3. What country imports more oil than any other? United States.
  4. What country consumes more oil than any other? United States.
  5. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? Yes
  6. What is GDP? Gross Domestic Product
  7. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? Liechtenstein. $141,100
  8. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No
  9. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa
  10. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa
  11. What other country is in the top ten? India
  12. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18th
  13. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No China is, United States is 3rd.
  14. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%
  15. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 76.5%
  16. What is Net Migration Rate? The difference of people entering and leaving the country.
  17. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world? No
  18. What is the current population of the entire planet? 7,021,836,029
I think the two most interesting facts are United states has most oil imports, and second most interesting is 23.9% of the United States is Roman Catholic.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

today in class

Today in class we learned about Illinois. In the state, there are more people that live there, than any other mid- state region of the United States. More than half of the people that live in Illinois, live near Chicago. If they don’t, they live in tiny farms on the outside part of Chicago. This is what gives Illinois their name “Prairie State.” Mr. Schick also told us about how he is sort of like the Messiah. This is because his parents were trying to find a place to birth him, but all the hospitals were full because it was 0 degrees and people were frost bitten, and his doctor was not available. Lastly, we learned that while we were taking notes, it is ok to paraphrase what the person was saying. Also, its ok if everything is not spelled correctly, but in the final it should be. Lastly, we learned that fragments are ok too.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In class today

Today in class we went over sites on the Internet you can trust to get information from. Wiki can be used but not as a primary source, just to gather background information from. Also, people who write on wiki cite there information from websites they got it from. Also most sites that end in gov can be trusted because they are ran by the government and checked by another person. This is because if there is false information in the article they wrote, then they can fix it. Also, people who are doing true websites can get fired if they do write false information and publish it. However, most sites, but not all that end in com can't be trusted. Anybody can make a website, and then write .com and the information could be totally wrong. In class, i learned that a page that looked very plain ended up being a non trusted website. When i write papers for English i know now to go to the John Carroll website, then to data bases from there. On that site pages like sirs and grolier can be used. I now know what to use and what not to use on school papers.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay 3

There are many steps I am going to take in my next four years at The John Carroll School in order to be successful. The first step in to pay more attention in class. I know I will understand more of my assignments and they will be easier if I just concentrate on what the teacher is saying, and not doing other things at the same time. Most assignments so far have been easier because of class discussions I listen to and what the teacher is saying. The second step I am going to take is staying on top of all my homework. Even though I might not have one class I had one day the next, I am still going to do the homework for the class the night it is assigned, so I don’t fall behind. I need to make sure I submit all of my homework on time so I don’t get points taken off my work for a late penalty, because I know in the end that can end up hurting my grade, since all my teachers score on total points. Third, if I don’t understand something in one of my classes I am going to ask a teacher or a family member who will understand. This is so I don’t do what I think is right, then get to a test or quiz and mess up, or get points taken off because I really didn’t understand what I was doing. Also, so I will know how to answer questions in class when I am called on by the teacher. Fourth, I am going to make up all work I miss from sports or being sick. I know when I miss assignments I am going to remember to email my teachers to see if I need to come in early to have something explained to me, or make up a test or quiz. Also, go to them to get papers. Lastly, the most important one to me is I am going to remember to check my teacher’s emails every single day. So far I forgot to check my one teacher’s website and I missed a reading that night. I don’t want to miss doing assignments because I didn’t take an extra five minutes to read the website. In order to accomplish this, I put all teacher websites on the top of my screen and in my favorites, so if I see a teacher’s website it will be a reminder to me to check the rest of them. If I follow these five simple steps, I think I have what it takes to be a successful student at John Carroll.

Essay 2

I think if Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time-travelled to the year 2012 they would not like it very much. Both would probably think that America has become a lazy country. This is because Socrates believed that everyone should ask questions to get to the answer of their original question, or what is also known as the Socratic Method. This ties directly in to what Elbert Hubbard though because he believed that everyone should do as much work as they could. If you are asking questions and following along to all answers you received, you were doing a lot of work. In Elbert Hubbard‘s story, A Message To Garcia, messenger Rowan got a very important letter to the general Garcia. This was during the time of Spanish- American war when letters took a while to deliver. The moral of the story was messenger Rowan did not put off getting this letter to Garcia. Even though he had no idea where he was in hiding, he got the letter to him in no time without asking any questions as to where he was. The story taught that things in life may be difficult for us to do, but if we put things off nothing will get done. People back then did not even think it was important to punctuate or spell correctly even if they were writing a column in the paper, or writing a letter, or whatever the case may have been. People who did their jobs with the smallest amount of work got a bad outcome, but if they did a lot of work, it had a great outcome for their future. In America today, I think people have become lazy. Many people don’t do their jobs the right way, or look for the easy way out of a task. Even in school, if someone has a question, they don’t like the take the steps of asking and answering more questions than needed. Also, so many kids are dropping out of school or are not continuing on to college because they are not trying hard enough and are failing their classes. I believe Socrates and Elbert Hubbard would be ashamed of America today.

Essay 1

            My definition of arête is making you worth more than someone else. If you were worth more than the person standing next to you, you would go further in life and get better things brought your way. This is like today’s society, because if you try hard in school and get good grades you will get a better job than someone who barely ever came to school and blew off their work. Socrates demonstrated this by making advancements to the town. When he got in trouble for what he did he simply explained that everything he did was so the city would not fall. He did more work to make sure Greece would be the best possible place, than anyone of his time did. He also created the Socratic Method. This was a big thing because people now did more work to find the answer to a question. He made other people show arête because when they were able to answer a series of questions they were doing more work. This meant they were not just given an answer by whomever they asked without doing any work to get it. Socrates showed arête because he is given partial credit for being a founder of Western philosophy. Also, the ancient Greeks showed this because they created the first democracy. This make them look better than any of the countries during this time. Many people would follow the Greek ways after this and convert to their ruling style, because it was successful.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

today in class

Today in class we went over our ancient Greece homework. We learned that Greece was the first place to have a democracy type of government. Also, we learned about a Greek philosopher born in ancient Greece names Socrates. He was an ugly man to some and is still considered to be ugly today. Socrates developed the Socratic method that was based on answering questions in order to get to the answer of your question. This method is still used today, mostly by law students because it teaches them the importance of asking questions when they are going to prove someone guilty of a crime. The death of Socrates is very interesting. He was blamed for corrupting youth and had to go on a court trial. The court proved him guilty, the said if he were to apologize for what he did they would let him go free. Instead he did not apologize and said he was just trying to support the city from falling. He was then forced to drink hemlock, which is a poison that makes you die. Socrates has an influence on us even still today.