Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Today in class we got our quiz's back that we took last class. A lot of people did very well on it, and most got all A's and B's. Then we went on to watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us that we also began last class, but did not finish. I learned that the lost boys traveled over 1,000 miles from country to country, and did this many times. There are many reasons that caused them to up and move so many times. They include things like the civil war going on between the two parts of Sudan, the government then collapsed at there next stop, then they moved once more to a part of Africa that the United Nations had set up to help people like these groups of traveling boys. Once they reached this camp the fighting was far from over. The boys were forced to fight for basic needs that were in sacks. Many of the boys over a period of time grew to be very tiny and skinny. Also, the United Nations provided them with some basic school subjects. This included Math, Science, and English to help them be able to speak more fluently. Sometimes these camps got so bad, people who attended them though about killing themselves because they thought that was the eariser way out of their lives. 

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