Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay 3

There are many steps I am going to take in my next four years at The John Carroll School in order to be successful. The first step in to pay more attention in class. I know I will understand more of my assignments and they will be easier if I just concentrate on what the teacher is saying, and not doing other things at the same time. Most assignments so far have been easier because of class discussions I listen to and what the teacher is saying. The second step I am going to take is staying on top of all my homework. Even though I might not have one class I had one day the next, I am still going to do the homework for the class the night it is assigned, so I don’t fall behind. I need to make sure I submit all of my homework on time so I don’t get points taken off my work for a late penalty, because I know in the end that can end up hurting my grade, since all my teachers score on total points. Third, if I don’t understand something in one of my classes I am going to ask a teacher or a family member who will understand. This is so I don’t do what I think is right, then get to a test or quiz and mess up, or get points taken off because I really didn’t understand what I was doing. Also, so I will know how to answer questions in class when I am called on by the teacher. Fourth, I am going to make up all work I miss from sports or being sick. I know when I miss assignments I am going to remember to email my teachers to see if I need to come in early to have something explained to me, or make up a test or quiz. Also, go to them to get papers. Lastly, the most important one to me is I am going to remember to check my teacher’s emails every single day. So far I forgot to check my one teacher’s website and I missed a reading that night. I don’t want to miss doing assignments because I didn’t take an extra five minutes to read the website. In order to accomplish this, I put all teacher websites on the top of my screen and in my favorites, so if I see a teacher’s website it will be a reminder to me to check the rest of them. If I follow these five simple steps, I think I have what it takes to be a successful student at John Carroll.

1 comment:

  1. What a great plan! Stick to this, and you are going to have a fantastic four years here at JC. 25/25
