Monday, September 17, 2012

People, People, and more People !

Today in class we learned about the dangers of our population becoming abnormally large. It took over 10,000 years for the first billion of people in the population. Now it only takes about 13 years for our population to gain 1 billion people! People of the world need to understand the dangers of having too many people on the earth because we could run out of clean water, food, and other necessities. Also, people are having more and more babies in developing countries. A developing country is one that does not have a good government or is still developing something like a sanitation system. Since people are having more and more kids in places that cant support them, the poverty rate across the country is beginning to rise. In Monaco, a rich place near the water with pretty beaches, people are expected t live until they are about 90 years old. The United States falls in the middle where we are expected to live to about 75. Lastly, in poor unsanitised places, people only live to be about 49! Also, the population can rise due to migration or people having kids. There is a thoery that if each family has 2 kids then the population wont go up because the two kids will take place of one of the parents.

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