Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interesting !

Mr. Schick, This is my blog from Thursday night, because I just got my blog working again.

Today in class, we went over our homework from two nights ago. I learned that women are allowed to fight and lead military battles in China. Also, United States uses so much oil we have to buy it from many different countries. However, to make costs of driving cars less expensive, we are turning to hybrid cars and smart cars, because they are cheaper. A smart car only costs 10 cents to "fill" all the way and lets you drive up to 72 miles. Then, toward the end of class we watched a video with some very interesting facts. I learned that the very first text message was sent in December of 1992 and now each day more texts are sent that population of the planet! Also, I learned that so many people are using facebook, it is available in over 70 different languages. I enjoyed seeing the different facts that i would have never thought wuld be true.

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