Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today is class we discussed the homework from the CIA website we did the other night. I learned that Zimbabwe has a 95% unemployment rate. People in the United States think that our rate is high but it does not even compare to Zimbabwe or other countries. We are not even in the top 10 for unemployment. Also, I learned that Russia is the biggest country worldwide. Even though Russia is so large, they don’t rank high on the population list. This is because, much of Russia is tundra and people are not able to live in the harsh climates these areas have to offer. Then, we learned about how the United States has the biggest amount of imported oil in the world. We buy oil from places all over like Saudi Arabia, which happens to be sitting on more oil than they could ever use in their lifetimes. US consume so much oil due to the fact that everything we make runs or uses oil. This includes cars, trucks, lawn mowers, fire trucks, etc. Even things like posters in a teacher’s room, or shoe stitching needs oil in order to be made. I learned a lot of new things for looking over the CIA fact book information.

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