Monday, September 24, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us.

Today in class we started a movie called God Grew Tired of Us. In the movie there was 3 main characters who lived in Africa. During this time (1987) there was a very bloody civil war going on between North and South Sudan. The men are forced to escape to Kukama Kenya. The United Nations controlled the refugee camp they escaped to. The men who traveled in this extravagant journey were called the lost boys. The lost boys traveled for over 1,000 miles to escape the scenes of the bloody war. Then the government in Kenya collapsed so they lost boys were forced to move further to Ethiopia to survive. Part of the reason of the collapse is because oil was found, so Muslims took over the are of where the oil was and made life terrible and unable to handle for the Christians and Andamists. In 1987 a group of people came up with the idea of killing all men and boys regardless of what age they were. One of the main characters, Daniel, his dad died because of the shooting. Most men and boys did die except for the ones who were able to escape and hide in near by brush and bushes. 27,000 boys were killed ranging from ages ten to five years old. Along all the journeys the lost boys lacked food, water, and even shelter. The amount of people went from 28,000 to 12,000 due to harsh conditions along all the journeys they traveled through together. The men and boys who did survive ended up with only bones left, no skin barely.

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